Friday, April 27, 2018

Fractions & Percent War

Hard to believe the year is almost 1/3 over! Just last month is was only 25% of the way through. Now, ask your elementary school student which of those values is greater. Will they know? They will if you play Fractions/Percent War with them!

Fractions/Percent War is a simple card game of war using cards that have various fractions and percentage values on them. You can make a deck yourself using some index cards or you can buy a sturdy, laminated deck from RightStart Math. The great thing about this deck is that you can use the cards for many other games (check out the RightStart Math Games book for tons of great math games).

Here's a quick popcorn-eating-filled video of my 10-year old son, Westin, & I playing a "friendly" game of Fractions/Percentage War (which I won, by the way;):

(It is required for me to disclose that I am a RightStart Math affiliate, meaning that if you make a purchase using any of the links I provide, I will earn a commission off the sale. That's a great perk for me but it's not why I am promoting RightStart Math products. I promote them because I have been a happy user of RS Math curriculum for over 15 years!)

Friday, April 13, 2018

Telling Time to the Hour: Matching Game

Our little kindergartner is starting to learn how to tell time and I'm using the same elementary math curriculum (RightStart Math) with him that I've used with his oldest sister, who is a senior in college, and his 6 other siblings!

Here's a quick video showing how we use a simple matching game to work on time-telling skills and here's a  link to the Level A math book on the RightStart Math website. (This is an affiliate link, meaning that if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a commission for the referral. I love RightStart Math and am excited to represent them in this way!)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Taking Your Homeschool Outside

It's springtime!!! Can I hear an amen??

I don't know about you but my senses are overwhelmed in the bestest of ways by the sights, sounds, and smells of spring. So the last thing I want to do it stay cooped up all morning while the flowers are busy blooming and the birds are singing & I know my kiddos feel the same way!

My last post was on how to get them moving inside but when the weather doesn't confine you to 4 walls, take your home school outside. You and your children will be better for it: