Saturday, December 23, 2017

Mr. CC

Here's a quick and silly game for you to try with your early learner. Enjoy!!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Game That Has No Name

OK, I confess... despite playing this game with my children for years, I've never given it a name. I always just tell my little ones, "Go get the oatmeal container game". So, if after watching this video, you come up with a snazzy name for this versatile game for younger children, please share it with me!

This game made with items from around the house, can be used to teach numbers, colors, letter sounds, word families, math and more! I've even used it to tell Bible stories. So, check out the video and then let me know how you used this game to enjoy some quality learning time with your little ones:
Click on the Amazon image below to purchase a magnetic lid wand like the one I use in the video.

(I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Full House Fun

Hey, hey... the cob webs are cleared out and the lights are back on here on my blog as I start a series of fun learning games you can play with your children. I've been home schooling for over 15 years now and as we've changed curriculum, co-ops and even states, one thing has been consistently successful for our family: learning games! However, learning games aren't just for home schoolers. Teachers can use them in the class room and parents can use them to enjoy quality time with their children while helping them grasp an educational concept.

Many children get bored with traditional teaching methods so adding a few games in the mix really engages children and opens their minds to practice and retain information at fast rates!

So, for our first game, I'll introduce you to a multiplication game called, "Who's On Top?" "Who's On Top" is from the RightStart Math book called Math Games.  This book is full of creative, fun and challenging games for math. (While links I post are affiliate links, meaning I will receive a commission from purchases made through these links, this book has been a go-to resource in our house for over a decade and that's the real reason I'm posting about it!). RightStart also sells the cards and envelopes needed for this game but you can even make it yourself if you like. I chose to buy the cards because they're glossy, slide apart easily and last a loooong time- well worth the few dollars.

Alrighty, time to watch my short video to learn how to play "Who's On Top":

Sunday, November 26, 2017

How to Paint Faux Shiplap Walls

I love the look of shiplap and barn board but I don't love the expense or the time involved in getting that look. So, I decided to get the look faster and without the high cost by painting my walls to look like boards and I believe that this technique is so easy that anyone can do it (it only cost me $4!!)! Here's the how to video:

Good luck and have fun transforming your walls!